Παρασκευή 26 Ιουνίου 2015

Subprime Greece, a moral issue ?

Να ένα μετριοπαθές και ακριβοδίκαιο κείμενο για αυτά που μας ταλανίζουν. 
Το ψάρεψα από το ελβετικό L' Hebdo. Έχετε χαιρετισμούς από τη Τήνο.

Του Ilja Feldstein

Following the saga of Greece and the role of the financial institutions,
very little attention is being paid to an unquantifiable aspect, viz.,
the moral issue.
Is it not legitimate to ask the question of who is responsible
for the untenable situation in which this European country
of 11 million people finds itself ?
Whilst it is true that Greece is a democracy and that, therefore,
its citizens share the responsibility for the actions of their leaders,
it is also true that the Greek people have been fooled by their
successive governments.
Institutions like the IMF, Brussels, the governments of creditor nations
as well as the banks have allowed the Greek people to live beyond
their means. Greek governments have not only failed to collect
taxes, reign in corruption, failed to institute unpopular reforms
and are guilty of overspending and waste but have also excelled -
with the help of Wall street bankers - in the art of creative accounting
and window-dressing.

Why did the EU and the creditors allow this to happen ?
Who is responsible ? It is hardly the ordinary citizen and
the young unemployed who can be blamed but it is the ordinary
people who are paying the price.

Sounds familiar ?
Debt to finance consumption, a moral issue indeed.

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